It was The Year That Shall Not be Named. My teensy newborn was just 5 weeks old and I was heartbroken to walk out the door to my 7-4.

So I got to work side-hustling as a resource designer for Teacher Sellers in hopes that someday I could earn enough to be home with my baby.

I left the classroom 6 months later — Along the way, I started weaving together my passion for motherhood, eye for design, and Kindergarten-teacher-nurturing skills to grow a branding and web design business where I capture the vision moms have for their own businesses and bring it to life through design that hits home.

Whether you need a brand identity to launch or grow your business, a website to house all your treasures, or bits and pieces to tie it all together, my strategic approach to beautiful, functional design can help you take your next step toward a biz that feels like you and brings home the bacon.

hey, there!

I'm Lydia

Jesus lover • Crunchy mama • Wannabe cheese connoisseur

I'm  looking  for...

Beautiful and functional brand design that captures the value of your business and feels like you.

Strategic, user-friendly website design that showcases your business and keeps viewers scrolling.

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Bb | Branding

Ww | Website Design