
Join the membership

An imperfect yet vibrant private membership to grow, connect, and explore the unfolding journey of conscious motherhood and entrepreneurship.

Vital Signs of Motherhood
free guide

check the signs

When you consider what currently occupies your days, are you feeling fulfilled, integrated, and true to yourself? Or are you feeling depleted, disconnected, and out of alignment?

the Live Wholly You podcast

listen now

Motherhood and entrepreneurship are two of the journeys that can most potently accelerate our self-discovery and growth if we let them.

As a mom of 3 and serial entrepreneur, Lydia Harris has navigated a variety of transitions, trials, and blessings that have ultimately led her back to herself – back to her God-created design and refreshed vitality.

Join Lydia for conversations around intentional life as mothers and entrepreneurs, from pregnancy and birth to parenting and educating, to business, calling, and leaning into your intuition as you live wholly YOU.

I’m a mom to 3 adventurous little girls and a Self-Discovery Coach for conscious mom entrepreneurs.

I left public school teaching after my oldest was born, started my first business, and have never looked back!

If you would have asked me 10 years ago if I expected to do anything other than teaching, it would’ve been a heeeeck no, because I thought teaching was my ”calling.”

The brutal transition out of that identity while also becoming a mother and an entrepreneur all at the same time was the beginning of the most transformative years of my life

Out of victim consciousness and people-pleasing and into rediscovering my “muchness” and taking radical responsibility for my life. 🔥

And now I help other mothers reconnect to their intuition and discover their own path for authentic business-building so they can experience wild fulfillment in motherhood and entrepreneurship.

Hey, I'm Lydia

book an info call

check on the vitality of your business-motherhood integration

pulse check 1:1

and walk away feeling inspired to take intentional action toward the life you want to live